Figuring out how much to save for retirement and when you can safely stop working can be difficult. A growing number of online retirement calculators, many of them free, are available to help. Although these calculators can yield vastly different results, they can still be useful Continue reading
New Brokerage Account Safeguards Aim to Protect Seniors From Financial Scams
New rules have been put in place to protect seniors with brokerage accounts from financial scams that could drain the accounts before anyone notices.
As the population ages, elder financial abuse is a mounting problem. Vulnerable seniors can become victims of scammers who convince Continue reading
Seniors Often Must Fight for Medicare Home Health Benefits
Medicare is mandated to cover your home health benefits with no limit on the time you are covered. Unfortunately, few Medicare beneficiaries get the level of service they are entitled to and many find their services cut off prematurely. Getting these benefits can be critically important. Continue reading
More States Asking to Eliminate Retroactive Medicaid Benefits
Arizona and Florida are the latest states to request a waiver from the requirement that states provide three months of retroactive Medicaid coverage to eligible Medicaid recipients.
Medicaid law allows a Medicaid applicant to be eligible for benefits for up to three months before Continue reading
Four Lessons Grandparents and Grandchildren Can Learn Together
If you’re a grandparent, maintaining a strong connection with your grandchildren is important, but that may become harder over the years as they leave for college or become busier building their careers and families. While they’re just starting out financially, you have a lifetime Continue reading